Saturday, April 11, 2009

What animal do we have that starts with "X"? How about a Horseshoe Crab? (The scientific name, of course!)

Horseshoe Crab Pin I was stumped! I couldn't think of any animal we have in the store that starts with "X," so I looked it up online. It seems that if you include the scientific names, there are a lot! Here's a list of the ones given on the WikiAnswers site. As it turns out, there is a horseshoe crab is of the genus Xiphosuran. I found some pictures of them here, and it's really interesting to see how they walk under water! The horseshoe crab pictured above is from our wonderful and extensive collection of realistic animal jewelry. You can find our horseshoe crab pin on this page. They are hand made in the US, which includes hand painting. They're first cast in pewter, painted, and covered with layers of lacquer, making the finish extremely durable, shiny, and very, very beautiful. You can see part of our line of animal pins in our web album. We still have more to scan, so if you don't see the animal jewelry you want, please call us at (888) 325-3179. The number is toll free, and we're on West Coast time in the US.

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