Thursday, October 6, 2011

Plastic Pangolin

The only mammal with scales...truely a unique and wonderful creature!

Our Plastic Pangolin

This interesting pangolin toy is made of sturdy, hollow plastic. It is 4 3/4 inches from nose to tail, is light weight and very durable. Follow this link to see our other pangolin toys.

About Pangolins

Pangolins (genus Manis) are scaly anteaters which are found on two continents, Africa and Asia. There are eight species of pangolin. They have large keratin scales covering their skin and are the only mammals with this adaption. Their scales are razor sharp, providing an extra defense. Pangolins lack teeth and the ability to chew. Instead, they tear open anthills or termite mounds with their powerful front claws and use their very long tongues. They have glands in their chest to lubricate their tongue with sticky, ant-catching saliva. The pangolin is often compared to a walking pine cone or globe artichoke. Pangolins are nocturnal animals and spend most of their daytime hours sleeping, curled up in a ball!

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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