Saturday, February 18, 2012

Plastic Octopus

Equally at home in the science project or toybox!

Our Plastic Octopus Replica

Check out the details of this wonderful octopus by Safari Ltd. Its superior design and details make it a museum-quality replica or collector's item, and yet the price puts it in range for the average collector. It can also be used as a toy. It's very sturdy and is made of solid plastic. Note the textured body. The underside even has sucker feet and a parrot-like beak in the center (small in this photo, but clear on the item). Your animal comes with an information card. Come look through our entire collection of octopus toys and gifts.

About Octopi

Octopi are cephalopods that can be found in rocky areas especially among coral reefs in the oceans throughout the world. The octopus has 8 arms which trail behind it when it swims. It is considered to be the most intelligent animal of all invertabrates. It emits a cloud of inky substance as a defense against predators as well as possessing a venomous bite. Most octopuses have a short life span of no longer than six months.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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