Sunday, March 18, 2012

Plastic Albino Texas Rat Snake

THIS is a unique addition to your science project!

Our Plastic Albino Texas Rat Snake

This engaging, realistic-looking plastic albino Texas rat snake miniature is made of somewhat flexible plastic with good quality. This replica has detailed skin and an attractive realistic pose. This albino Texas rat snake replica makes for a nice pet, fits into a shoebox diorama, or serves as a great collectible. It is 6 inches long from nose to tail posed exactly as it appears in the photo. The perfect addition to your biology project! Check out our other snake toys and gifts.

About Texas Rat Snakes

Found throughout Texas and into Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, the Texas rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) are a large species of non-venomous constrictor. Texas rat snakes are capable of reaching six feet in length. Although there are all kinds of naturally-occurring variations in color, including albinos, Texas rat snakes are usually yellow or tan with dark blotches along the length of their bodies, with a distinctive solid grey head.

Texas rat snakes are determined predators, feeding on virtually anything they can catch and hold, including rodents, birds, eggs, lizards, and frogs. They thrive in a wide range of habitats, living in swamps, forests, grasslands, and urban areas with equal success. Texas rat snakes are well-known for their negative attitude, and will certainly bite if caught , cornered, or handled.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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