Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Plastic Uakari Monkey

A rare and wonderful primate from the New World!

Our Plastic Uakari Monkey

This engaging-looking plastic uakari monkey replica is made of solid plastic and stands on a branch. It is 2 inches tall from the ground to the top of the branch. The color is somewhat imaginative, but has distinctive highlights. Our uakari monkey miniature has a concerned expression but promises not to bite. This uakari monkey replica makes an interesting pet or gift and fits nicely into a shoebox diorama for a school project. Check out our other monkey toys and gifts.

About Uakari Monkeys

Uakari monkeys are a highly endangered New World monkey. They are found in South America in the Amazon Basin. They are unusual for New World monkeys in that they have vey short tails. Their bodies are covered with long, loose hair but their heads are bald. They have almost no subcutaneous fat, so their bald faces appear almost skull like. There are bald, red, and black uakari monkeys. They are a quiet almost lethargic monkey in zoos, but in the wild, they are quite active and travel in largre troupes feasting on nuts, buds, fruit and leaves.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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