This stuffed lynx is truly something else! We got one in the shop for a customer, and we liked it so much we ordered one for ourselves - but not to keep! We got it to share with other lynx- and bobcat-lovers, and that's exactly what we're going to do! This stuffed links wants a permanent home for the holidays. When we stay "stuffed lynx," we do NOT mean taxidermied! This toy linx is made by Hansa of synthetic fur and fabric, but it's made to look like a real animal.

I've taken a picture of this lynx in our own showroom, and you can get some idea of what it could look like in your home - your child's room, an adult's animal collection, or just about anywhere. It is really special. Note the long black ear-tufts, just like a real lynx. The paws are made to look like real cats' feet, the eyes are bright and shiny and full of color, and the fur is SOFT, and the body is 23 inches long from nose to tail. The front paws add another couple of inches. (Keep scrolling. . . .)

The price of this Hansa stuffed lynx toy or plush collectible wild cat is $140.00 plus shipping. Shipping in the USA, Canada and Mexico, APO and FPO is $14.00 by Priority mail. For overseas, contact us for the shipping rate.
Since this toy lynx is not yet set up in
our online gift shop,
please call to order: toll free (888) 325-3179 or cell phone (503) 338-8646. From overseas, call (503) 325-3179 or
send us e-mail! Calling is probably the simplest way, but we also have a
special item order form, and you can type in the name of the item and the amount and shipping will be added and you can enter your credit or debit card the same as for any of the other items in our store. Thanks for visiting us! ~ Sheryl