Saturday, September 18, 2010

Going to bat for bats!

Yesterday I had hoped to see some big-eared bats when I hiked into Pictograph Cave near Bend, Oregon, but unfortunately the best or the worst I found was a prodigious amount of old bat guano. Big-eared bats are classified as vesper bats, common bats, or evening bats. They are insectivores and rely on echolocation by shouting through their open mouth to create an ultrasound beam. Large ears help pick up the returning vibration.
Bats are in the small order Chiroptera, which include flying mammals. What is remarkable is that it is the only mammal which, by its webbed wings, is actually capable of flight.

Tapir and Friends Animal Store has a wide selection of miscellaneous animals for sale including bats. As Halloween approaches, perhaps you or a friend may want to wear a pair of bat earrings, a pin or necklace to the party. I can't promise they'll help you fly, but you will look superb.

by Lee
This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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