Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stuffed sea turtle

Our Stuffed Sea Turtle

Our new stuffed sea turtle is extremely soft and cuddly, and wants to come and play with you! It has delightfully engaging eyes, and is made of plush; and even his carapace is huggable. Come see our other turtle toys and gifts!

Sea Turtles

All six species of sea turtles in the U.S. are listed as threatened or endangered on the U.S. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife List (green sea turtle, hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, leatherback, loggerhead and olive ridley). Sea turtles are aquatic reptiles and live most of their lives in the ocean. Sea turtles are excellent divers, the Leatherback species routinely dive more than 1,000 ft., and may reach depths of more than 3,900 ft. seeking jellyfish. Although they must swim to the ocean surface to breathe periodically, some turtles can remain underwater for as long as 5 hours without breathing! Currently sea turtles are endangered because not only are they hunted by people as a food source, but they are losing their beach habitat to recreational development, drowning in fishing and shrimp nets, and ingesting plastic trash. (Sea turtle research by Joslyn Biggins.)

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