Saturday, March 14, 2009

"E" is for Elephant, and how many more?

How about this? "E is for Elk!" We have a really cool plastic elk that's great for kids or collectors or your school project on North American forest animals. I've been lucky enough to see elk in the forests near where I live in Oregon. It's quite a thrill.

And what about eagles? We have lots of bald eagles in our online store. Here's a plastic bald eagle (above). Below is one of the several designs we carry of bald eagle hand-made, hand-painted jewelry.

Does "snake" start with "E"? No, but our emerald boa plastic action figure snake certainly does.

And what would our "E" page be without an elephant? Pictured here is our African elephant plastic 3-D interlocking puzzle. We have several kinds of elephant puzzles and many more elephants, too. Come see our collection of elephant items just for you!

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