Friday, August 19, 2011


Our Plastic Jaguar would be a perfect party favor for those jungle themed summer birthdays!

This small jaguar toy is multi-colored and has nice detail. Come look through our entire collection of jaguar toys and gifts.

Jaguars (Panthera onca) are the third largest cat in the world, ranking behind the tiger and African lion. In spite of their large size and powerful build, jaguars are shy and seldom attack man unless they feel threatened. Jaguars inhabit the Amazon basin rainforest, where deforestation rates are high. This isolation leads to fragmentation of jaguar populations, making them more vulnerable to the predations of man. People compete with jaguars for prey, and jaguars are frequently shot on sight despite protective legislation. Although commercial hunting and trapping of jaguars for their pelts has declined drastically since the mid-1970s when anti-fur campaigns gathered steam, the most urgent conservation issue is the current intolerance of ranchers for jaguars. The black jaguar is a melanistic (black) color variation of the spotted jaguar. (Jaguar research by Joslyn Biggins.)

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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