Our Stuffed Steller Sea Lion
Our stuffed sea lion is a soft, gentle snuggly animal, looking for a new home. It is 12 inches from chest to tail and is dark brown and gray in color. Made by Fiesta, our sea lion has nicely stitched flippers that suggest five toes, a cute, soft plush nose, fabric ears, and a well-defined small tail. We believe our sea lion has been designed to imitate the Steller sea lion because it has a large beautiful mane, a chief characteristic of the male Steller sea lion. He makes a fine addition to a stuffed animal collection. Please check out our other sea lion toys and gifts.
About Steller Sea Lions
The Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubata) is the largest sea lion and, of fin-footed animals called pinnipeds, is second only in size to the walrus. Stellers grow to about 2000 pounds and up to 10 feet in length. The Steller's sea lion, also called the northern sea lion, is found in the Gulf of Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, and along the northern California coast. It is a social animal and lives and breeds in rocky areas known as rookeries. The sea lion feeds near shore on squid, fish, such as mackerel, herring and salmon, and occasionally, on other small marine mammals. For generations, native people have hunted the sea lion for its skin to make clothing, as covering for boats, and to eat its meat. After its population began to decline in the 1990's, Steller's sea lion was listed as endangered in the Endangered Species Act. It has made a great recovery and is now, in some areas, a menace to other endangered species, such as the chinook or coho salmon. We have the opportunity to watch these magnicent animals on a daily basis, and invite you to come to the Oregon Coast to see for yourselves.