
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Malayan Tapir Fuzzy Stickers

Perfect for decorating your folders, lockers, and book covers!

Our Malayan Tapir Fuzzy Stickers

These adorable fuzzy stickers show Malayan tapirs in four lifelike positions - yes, they really do sit like that! There are four stickers per square. The tapirs from one square shown above, although the real squares are on white background. Our price to you is 4 squares (16 tapirs) for one dollar. Each square is about 2 x 2 inches, with the biggest tapir about 1.25 inches long.

Normally when we learn that one of our favorite tapir items has been discontinued, we have to say we're sorry, we can't get any more. However, in this case we were lucky! Carol Reid found out that Sandylion had made their last tapir stickers . . . and they'd sell us all they had for a great price. We're passing along the savings to you plus the hope that we'll never run out. Thanks to Carol, we have thousands of stickers on hand!

About Asian (Malayan) Tapirs

Malayan tapirs (Tapirus indicus) grow to between 6 and 8 feet in length, stand 3 to 3.5 feet tall, and typically weigh between 550 and 700 pounds. Like the other types of tapir, they have small stubby tails and long, flexible proboscises. They have four toes on each front foot and three toes on each back foot. The Malayan Tapir has rather poor eyesight but excellent hearing and sense of smell. The easily identifiable markings (the saddle, white rimmed ears, black legs, chest, and head) make it more difficult to recognize it as a tapir, and other animals may mistake it for a large rock rather than a form of prey when it is lying down to sleep. Malayan Tapirs communicate with high-pitched squeaks and whistles. They usually prefer to live near water and often bathe and swim, and they are also able to climb steep slopes. Malayan Tapirs can live up to 30 years, both in the wild and in captivity. Malayan tapirs live in Southest Asia, where they have become extinct in some of their range; small populations still survive in Myanmar, Thailand, and Sumatra (Indonesia). In the past, scientists believed that tapirs live solitary lives, but in recent years, it has become clear that they can be found in small family groups. They do not live in herds, and are hard to located in the forest. Under ideal conditions, a tapir gives birth about every 18 months to two years, bearing only one calf at a time. The slow "recruitment rate" is one of the several reasons they are on their way to extinction. Read more about Malayan tapirs here.

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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