
Friday, April 16, 2010

What to Do with a Plastic Panda

Teagan with plastic panda Laurel just posted some very cute pictures of Teagan in boxes, and in this case he is also showing us how to use . . . TA-DAAAA . . . his soft play PLASTIC PANDA (which, by the way, he can locate in the toy box if you ask him where the panda is . . . so cute; no, I am not a proud grandma).

You can look at the panda and learn that the panda has a FOOT, just like you do. (Or in this case would it be a HAND? Or a foot and a hand?)

You can bi . . . uh . . . I prefer to think that Teagan is thoughtfully giving the panda mouth-to-snout resuscitation. . . .

This blog is sponsored by Tapir and Friends Animal Store.

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