
Friday, April 3, 2009

If you're into plastic vultures, give us a call!

This is one of our plastic vultures. We have a new one, too, and I haven't managed to get it online yet. When a customer called looking for plastic vultures for his son who had a serious fascination with them, Sue was able to tell him about the one that isn't online yet. He purchased both, and here is his reply:

Hello Sue

This is [DL], I ordered 2 Vultures for my 4 yr old son Ameer. I would just like to say that you were right, he is one happy little camper I could not believe how fast it came. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

We will continue to shop at Tapirback

-- Regards [DL]

If you don't see it on our site, give us a call toll-free at (888) 325-3179 or send e-mail. We do our best to give you the best customer service we can. It's like breathing air. It's not that hard. We love to see you happy! And the vultures have a happy home, too, so it's win-win. What could be better?