
Friday, May 23, 2008

Animal jewelry: featuring the giant anteater!

This giant anteater jewelry comes in colors. Featuring the signature bushy tail and long nose, our stylized yet highly recognizable anteater is a symbol you can wear as a necklace (shown here), as a pin or as earrings. The necklace and earrings come with your virtually unlimited choice of bead colors in shapes chosen by our designer. For the body of the anteater, choose a color from our drop-down menu. This popular design is affordable and simple to order. Come see our anteater jewelry at Tapir and Friends Wildlife World Animal Store! You can also call us toll free at: (888) 325-3179. If you have any doubts about buying online, see our customer comments. After all these years, we're just beginning to collect them for you on our blog. Thanks for visiting!